Database Reference
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Suppose that the table has these contents:
| ci_str | cs_str | bin_str |
| AAA | AAA | AAA |
| aaa | aaa | aaa |
| bbb | bbb | bbb |
| BBB | BBB | BBB |
Each column contains the same values, but the natural sort orders for the column data
types produce three different results:
• The case-insensitive collation sorts a and A together, placing them before b and B .
However, for a given letter, it does not necessarily order one lettercase before an‐
other, as shown by the following result:
mysql> SELECT ci_str FROM str_val ORDER BY ci_str;
| ci_str |
| AAA |
| aaa |
| bbb |
| BBB |
• The case-sensitive collation puts A and a before B and b , and sorts uppercase before
mysql> SELECT cs_str FROM str_val ORDER BY cs_str;
| cs_str |
| AAA |
| aaa |
| BBB |
| bbb |
• The binary strings sort numerically. Assuming that uppercase letters have numeric
values less than those of lowercase letters, a binary sort results in the following
mysql> SELECT bin_str FROM str_val ORDER BY bin_str;
| bin_str |
| AAA |
| BBB |
| aaa |
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