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The following discussion shows how to convert several types of temporal values to basic
units and vice versa.
Converting between times and seconds
TIME values are specialized representations of a simpler unit (seconds). To convert from
one to the other, use the TIME_TO_SEC() and SEC_TO_TIME() functions.
TIME_TO_SEC() converts a TIME value to the equivalent number of seconds, and
SEC_TO_TIME() does the opposite. The following statement demonstrates a simple con‐
version in both directions:
mysql> SELECT t1,
-> TIME_TO_SEC(t1) AS 'TIME to seconds',
-> SEC_TO_TIME(TIME_TO_SEC(t1)) AS 'TIME to seconds to TIME'
-> FROM time_val;
| t1 | TIME to seconds | TIME to seconds to TIME |
| 15:00:00 | 54000 | 15:00:00 |
| 05:01:30 | 18090 | 05:01:30 |
| 12:30:20 | 45020 | 12:30:20 |
To express time values as minutes, hours, or days, perform the appropriate divisions:
mysql> SELECT t1,
-> TIME_TO_SEC(t1) AS 'seconds',
-> TIME_TO_SEC(t1)/60 AS 'minutes',
-> TIME_TO_SEC(t1)/(60*60) AS 'hours',
-> TIME_TO_SEC(t1)/(24*60*60) AS 'days'
-> FROM time_val;
| t1 | seconds | minutes | hours | days |
| 15:00:00 | 54000 | 900.0000 | 15.0000 | 0.6250 |
| 05:01:30 | 18090 | 301.5000 | 5.0250 | 0.2094 |
| 12:30:20 | 45020 | 750.3333 | 12.5056 | 0.5211 |
Use FLOOR() on the division results if you prefer integer values that have no fractional
If you pass TIME_TO_SEC() a date-and-time value, it extracts the time part and discards
the date. This provides another means of extracting times from DATETIME (or TIME
STAMP ) values, in addition to those already discussed in Recipe 6.8 :
mysql> SELECT dt,
-> TIME_TO_SEC(dt) AS 'time part in seconds',
-> SEC_TO_TIME(TIME_TO_SEC(dt)) AS 'time part as TIME'
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