Database Reference
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To choose a temporal data type, consider questions such as these:
• Do you need times only, dates only, or combined date and time values?
• What range of values do you require?
• Do you want automatic initialization of the column to the current date and time?
MySQL provides DATE and TIME data types for representing date and time values sepa‐
rately, and DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types for combined date-and-time values. These
values have the following characteristics:
DATE values have CCYY-MM-DD format, where CC , YY , MM , and DD represent the century,
year within century, month, and day parts of the date. The supported range for DATE
values is 1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31 .
TIME values have hh:mm:ss format, where hh , mm , and ss are the hours, minutes,
and seconds parts of the time. TIME values often can be thought of as time-of-day
values, but MySQL actually treats them as elapsed time. Thus, they may be greater
than 23:59:59 or even negative. (The actual range of a TIME column is -838:59:59
to 838:59:59 .)
DATETIME and TIMESTAMP are combined date-and-time values in CCYY-MM-DD
hh:mm:ss format.
The DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data types are similar in many respects, but watch
out for these differences:
DATETIME has a supported range of 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31
23:59:59 , whereas TIMESTAMP values are valid only from the year 1970 partially
through 2038.
TIMESTAMP and DATETIME have special auto-initialization and auto-update prop‐
erties (see Recipe 6.7 ), but for DATETIME they are not available before MySQL
— When a client inserts a TIMESTAMP value, the server converts it from the time
zone associated with the client session to UTC and stores the UTC value. When
the client retrieves a TIMESTAMP value, the server performs the reverse operation
to convert the UTC value back to the client session time zone. A client in a time
zone different from the server can configure its session so that this conversion
is appropriate for its own time zone (see Recipe 6.4 ).
• Types that include a time part can have a fractional seconds part for subsecond
resolution (see Recipe 6.2 ).
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