Database Reference
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For a table created as follows, you know that values stored in the column c have a
character set of utf8 and a collation of utf8_danish_ci :
CREATE TABLE t ( c CHAR ( 10 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_danish_ci );
But sometimes it's not so clear what character set or collation applies to a string. Server
configuration affects literal strings and some string functions, and other string functions
return values in a specific character set. Symptoms that you have the wrong character
set or collation are that a collation-mismatch error occurs for a comparison operation,
or a lettercase conversion doesn't work properly.
To determine a string's character set or collation, use the CHARSET() or COLLATION()
function. For example, did you know that the USER() function returns a Unicode string?
| cbuser@localhost | utf8 | utf8_general_ci |
String values that take their character set and collation from the current configuration
may change properties if the configuration changes. This is true for literal strings:
mysql> SET NAMES 'latin1';
mysql> SELECT CHARSET('abc'), COLLATION('abc');
| CHARSET('abc') | COLLATION('abc') |
| latin1 | latin1_swedish_ci |
mysql> SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE 'utf8_bin';
mysql> SELECT CHARSET('abc'), COLLATION('abc');
| CHARSET('abc') | COLLATION('abc') |
| utf8 | utf8_bin |
For a binary string, the CHARSET() or COLLATION() functions return a value of binary ,
which means that the string is compared and sorted based on numeric byte values, not
character collation values.
To convert a string from one character set to another, use the CONVERT() function:
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