Database Reference
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That tells you that there are three sets of rows (the last with fewer than three rows),
which you can retrieve as follows:
SELECT * FROM profile ORDER BY name LIMIT 0 , 3 ;
SELECT * FROM profile ORDER BY name LIMIT 3 , 3 ;
SELECT * FROM profile ORDER BY name LIMIT 6 , 3 ;
You can also fetch the first part of a result set and determine at the same time how big
the result would have been without the LIMIT clause. To fetch the first three rows from
the profile table, and then obtain the size of the full result, run these statements:
The keyword SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in the first statement tells MySQL to calculate the
size of the entire result set even though the statement requests that only part of it be
returned. The row count is available by calling FOUND_ROWS() . If that function returns
a value greater than three, there are other rows yet to be retrieved.
See Also
LIMIT is useful in combination with RAND() to make random selections from a set of
items. See Recipe 15.8 .
You can use LIMIT to restrict the effect of a DELETE or UPDATE statement to a subset of
the rows that would otherwise be deleted or updated, respectively. For more information
about using LIMIT for duplicate row removal, see Recipe 16.4 .
3.10. What to Do When LIMIT Requires the “Wrong”
Sort Order
LIMIT usually works best in conjunction with an ORDER BY clause that sorts rows. But
sometimes that sort order differs from what you want for the final result.
Use LIMIT in a subquery to retrieve the desired rows, then use the outer query to sort
If you want the last four rows of a result set, you can obtain them easily by sorting the
set in reverse order and using LIMIT 4 . The following statement returns the names and
birth dates for the four people in the profile table who were born most recently:
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