Database Reference
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The Connector/Python placeholder mechanism provides quotes around data values as
necessary when they are bound to the statement string, so don't put quotes around the
%s format specifiers in the string.
If you have only a single value val to bind to a placeholder, write it as a sequence using
the syntax ( val , ) :
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( "SELECT id, name, cats FROM profile WHERE cats = %s " , ( 2 ,))
for ( id , name , cats ) in cursor :
print ( "id: %s , name: %s , cats: %s " % ( id , name , cats ))
cursor . close ()
Alternatively, write the value as a list using the syntax [ val ] .
JDBC provides support for placeholders if you use prepared statements. Recall that the
process for executing nonprepared statements in JDBC is to create a Statement object,
and then pass the statement string to the executeUpdate() , executeQuery() , or exe
cute() function. To use a prepared statement instead, create a PreparedStatement
object by passing a statement string containing ? placeholder characters to your con‐
nection object's prepareStatement() method. Then bind the data values to the state‐
ment using set XXX () methods. Finally, execute the statement by calling executeUp
date() , executeQuery() , or execute() with an empty argument list.
Here is an example that uses executeUpdate() to execute an INSERT statement that adds
the profile table row for De'Mont:
PreparedStatement s ;
s = conn . prepareStatement (
"INSERT INTO profile (name,birth,color,foods,cats)"
+ " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)" );
s . setString ( 1 , "De'Mont" ); // bind values to placeholders
s . setString ( 2 , "1973-01-12" );
s . setNull ( 3 , java . sql . Types . CHAR );
s . setString ( 4 , "eggroll" );
s . setInt ( 5 , 4 );
s . close (); // close statement
The set XXX () methods that bind data values to statements take two arguments: a place‐
holder position (beginning with 1, not 0) and the value to bind to the placeholder.
Choose each value-binding call to match the data type of the column to which the value
is bound: setString() to bind a string to the name column, setInt() to bind an integer
to the cats column, and so forth. (Actually, I cheated a bit by using setString() to
treat the date value for birth as a string.)
One difference between JDBC and the other APIs is that you don't bind a NULL to a
placeholder by specifying some special value (such as undef in Perl or nil in Ruby).
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