Database Reference
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vary in number, construct a list of placeholder characters. In Perl, the following state‐
ment creates a string consisting of n placeholder characters separated by commas:
$str = join ( "," , ( "?" ) x n );
The x repetition operator, when applied to a list, produces n copies of the list, so the
join() call joins these lists to produce a single string containing n comma-separated
instances of the ? character. This is handy for binding an array of data values to a list of
placeholders in a statement string because the size of the array is the number of place‐
holders needed:
$str = join ( "," , ( "?" ) x @values );
In Ruby, use the * operator to similar effect:
str = ( [ "?" ] * values . size ) . join ( "," )
A less cryptic method is to use a loop approach, here illustrated in Python:
str = ""
if len ( values ) > 0 :
str = "?"
for i in range ( 1 , len ( values )):
str += ",?"
To use placeholders with Perl DBI, put a ? in your SQL statement string at each data
value location. Then bind the values to the statement by passing them to do() or exe
cute() , or by calling a DBI method specifically intended for placeholder substitution.
Use undef to bind a NULL value to a placeholder.
With do() , add the profile row for De'Mont by passing the statement string and the
data values in the same call:
my $count = $dbh -> do ( "INSERT INTO profile (name,birth,color,foods,cats)
VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)" ,
undef ,
"De'Mont" , "1973-01-12" , undef , "eggroll" , 4 );
The arguments following the statement string are undef , then one data value for each
placeholder. The undef argument is a historical artifact, but must be present.
Alternatively, pass the statement string to prepare() to get a statement handle, then use
that handle to pass the data values to execute() :
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare ( "INSERT INTO profile (name,birth,color,foods,cats)
VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)" );
my $count = $sth -> execute ( "De'Mont" , "1973-01-12" , undef , "eggroll" , 4 );
In either case, DBI generates this statement:
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