Database Reference
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SELECT . One of the other examples shown here demonstrates how to execute a SE
LECT statement using placeholders.
Processing of special characters and NULL values comes up in other contexts covered
• The placeholder and quoting techniques described here are only for data values and
not for identifiers such as database or table names. For discussion of identifier
quoting, refer to Recipe 2.6 .
Comparisons of NULL values require different operators than non- NULL values.
Recipe 3.6 discusses how to construct SQL statements that perform NULL compar‐
isons from within programs.
• This section covers the issue of getting special characters into your database. A
related issue is the inverse operation of transforming special characters in values
returned from your database for display in various contexts. For example, if you
generate HTML pages that include values taken from your database, you must per‐
form output encoding to convert < and > characters in those values to the HTML
entities &lt; and &gt; to make sure they display properly. Recipe 18.4 discusses
that topic.
Using placeholders
Placeholders enable you to avoid writing data values literally in SQL statements. Using
this approach, you write statements using placeholders—special markers that indicate
where the values go. Two common parameter markers are ? and %s . Depending on the
marker, rewrite the INSERT statement to use placeholders like this:
INSERT INTO profile ( name , birth , color , foods , cats )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )
INSERT INTO profile ( name , birth , color , foods , cats )
VALUES ( % s , % s , % s , % s , % s )
Then pass the statement string to the database server and supply the data values sepa‐
rately. The API binds the values to the placeholders to replace them, resulting in a
statement that contains the data values.
One benefit of placeholders is that parameter-binding operations automatically handle
escaping of characters such as quotes and backslashes. This is especially useful for in‐
serting binary data such as images into your database or using data values with unknown
content such as input submitted by a remote user through a form in a web page. Also,
there is usually some special value that you bind to a placeholder to indicate that you
want an SQL NULL value in the resulting statement.
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