Database Reference
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The example demonstrates the statement handle fetch() method, which returns the
next row of the result set or FALSE when there are no more. fetch() takes an optional
argument that indicates what type of value it should return. As shown, with an argument
of PDO::FETCH_NUM , fetch() returns an array with elements accessed using numeric
subscripts, beginning with 0. The array size indicates the number of result set columns.
With an argument of PDO::FETCH_ASSOC , fetch() returns an associative array con‐
taining values accessed by column name ( $row["id"] , $row["name"] , $row["cats"] ).
With an argument of PDO::FETCH_OBJ , fetch() returns an object having members ac‐
cessed using the column names ( $row->id , $row->name , $row->cats ).
fetch() uses the default fetch mode if you invoke it with no argument. Unless you have
changed the mode, it's PDO::FETCH_BOTH , which is like a combination of
PDO::FETCH_NUM and PDO::FETCH_ASSOC . To set the default fetch mode for all statements
executed within a connection, use the setAttribute database-handle method:
$dbh -> setAttribute ( PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE , PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
To set the mode for a given statement, call its setFetchMode() method after executing
the statement and before fetching the results:
$sth -> setFetchMode ( PDO :: FETCH_OBJ );
It's also possible to use a statement handle as an iterator. The handle uses the current
default fetch mode:
$sth -> setFetchMode ( PDO :: FETCH_NUM );
foreach ( $sth as $row )
printf ( "id: %s, name: %s, cats: %s \n " , $row [ 0 ], $row [ 1 ], $row [ 2 ]);
The fetchAll() method fetches and returns the entire result set as an array of rows. It
permits an optional fetch-mode argument:
$rows = $sth -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_NUM );
foreach ( $rows as $row )
printf ( "id: %s, name: %s, cats: %s \n " , $row [ 0 ], $row [ 1 ], $row [ 2 ]);
In this case, the row count is the number of elements in $rows .
The Python DB API uses the same calls for SQL statements that do not return a result
set and those that do. To process a statement in Python, use your database connection
object to get a cursor object. Then use the cursor's execute() method to send the state‐
ment to the server. If the statement fails with an error, execute() raises an exception.
Otherwise, if there is no result set, statement execution is complete, and the cursor's
rowcount attribute indicates how many rows were changed:
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( "UPDATE profile SET cats = cats+1 WHERE name = 'Sybil'" )
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