Database Reference
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which you can use to access individual column elements (for example, $ref->{12}-
>{name} ). The result set row and column counts are available as follows:
my @keys = defined ( $ref ) ? keys ( % { $ref }) : ();
my $nrows = scalar ( @keys );
my $ncols = $nrows ? keys ( % { $ref -> { $keys [ 0 ]}}) : 0 ;
The selectall_ XXX () methods are useful when you need to process a result set more
than once because Perl DBI provides no way to “rewind” a result set. By assigning the
entire result set to a variable, you can iterate through its elements multiple times.
Take care when using the high-level methods if you have RaiseError disabled. In that
case, a method's return value may not enable you to distinguish an error from an empty
result set. For example, if you call selectrow_array() in scalar context to retrieve a
single value, an undef return value is ambiguous because it may indicate any of three
things: an error, an empty result set, or a result set consisting of a single NULL value. To
test for an error, check the value of $DBI::errstr , $DBI::err , or $DBI::state .
As with Perl DBI, Ruby DBI provides two approaches to SQL statement execution. With
either approach, if a statement-execution method fails with an error, it raises an excep‐
For statements such as INSERT or UPDATE that return no result set, invoke the do database-
handle method. Its return value indicates the number of rows affected:
count = dbh . do ( "UPDATE profile SET cats = cats+1 WHERE name = 'Sybil'" )
puts "Number of rows updated: #{ count } "
For statements such as SELECT that return a result set, invoke the execute database-
handle method. execute returns a statement handle for fetching result set rows. The
statement handle has several methods of its own that enable row fetching in different
ways. After you are done with the statement handle, invoke its finish method. (Call
finish for every statement handle that you create, unlike Perl DBI where finish need
be invoked only if you fetch a partial result set.) To determine the number of rows in
the result set, count them as you fetch them.
The following example executes a SELECT statement and uses the statement handle's
fetch method in a while loop:
count = 0
sth = dbh . execute ( "SELECT id, name, cats FROM profile" )
while row = sth . fetch do
printf "id: %s, name: %s, cats: %s \n " , row [ 0 ] , row [ 1 ] , row [ 2 ]
count += 1
sth . finish
puts "Number of rows returned: #{ count } "
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