Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
PerMiTs, reCords,
and rePorTs
11.1 inTroduCTion
Permits, records, and reports play a significant role in wastewater
treatment operations. In fact, with regard to the permit, one of the first
things any new operator quickly learns is the importance of “making per-
mit” each month. This chapter briefly covers National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permits and other pertinent records and
reports with which the wastewater operator must be familiar.
Note: The discussion that follows is general in nature; it does not nec-
essarily apply to any state in particular but instead is an overview of
permits, records, and reports that are an important part of wastewater
treatment plant operations. For guidance on requirements for your spe-
cific locality, contact the state's water control board or other authorized
state agency for information. In this handbook, the term board signifies
the state-reporting agency.
11.1.1 definitions
Several definitions should be understood before we discuss the
permit requirements for records and reporting:
average daily limitation— The highest allowable average over a 24-hour
period, calculated by adding all of the values measured during the
period and dividing the sum by the number of values determined
during the period.
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