Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Cause: Nutrient deficiency
Corrective action: Add nutrients.
Cause: Toxicity
Corrective action: Identify source; implement pretreatment.
Cause: Overaeration
Corrective action: Reduce aeration during low low periods.
symptom 2.
Solids settled properly in settleability test but large
amounts of solids lost over effluent weir.
Cause: Billowing solids due to short-circuiting
Corrective action: Identify short-circuiting cause and eliminate
if possible.
symptom 3.
Large amounts of small, pinhead-size solids are leav-
ing settling tank.
Cause: Old sludge
Corrective action: Reduce sludge age (gradual change is best);
increase waste rate.
Cause: Excessive turbulence
Corrective action: Decrease turbulence (adjust aeration during
low flows).
Large amounts of light floc (low BOD 5 and high solids)
are leaving the settling tank.
symptom 4.
Cause: Extremely old sludge
Corrective action: Reduce age; increase waste.
symptom 5.
Large amounts of small translucent particles (1/16 to
1/8 in.) are leaving the settling tank.
Cause: Rapid solids growth
Corrective action: Increase sludge age.
Cause: Slightly young activated sludge
Corrective action: Decrease waste.
symptom 6.
Solids are settling properly but rise to the surface
within a short time. Many small (1/4 in.) to large (several feet) clumps
of solids are visible on the surface of the settling tank.
Cause: Denitrification
Corrective action: Increase the rate of return; adjust the sludge
age to eliminate nitrification.
Cause: Overaeration
Corrective action: Reduce aeration.
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