Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
filter effluent tests
Dissolved oxygen
• pH
• Jar tests
Process effluent tests
Dissolved oxygen
• Settleable solids
• BOD 5
• Suspended solids
7.3.7 Troubleshooting operational Problems *
The following sections are not all inclusive; that is, they do not
cover all of the operational problems associated with the trickling filter
process. They do, however, provide information on the most common
operational problems. Ponding
pools or puddles of water on the surface of the media
Decreased performance in the removal of
Possible odors due to anaerobic conditions in the media
Poor air flow through the media
Causal factors
hydraulic loading to keep the media voids flushed clear
Application of high-strength wastes without sufficient recircula-
tion to provide dilution
Nonuniform media
Degradation of the
media due to aging or weathering
Uniform media that is too small
Debris (moss, leaves, sticks) or living organisms (snails) that clog
the void spaces
* Much of the information in this section is based on Culp, G.L. and Heim, N.F., field
manual for Performance evaluation and Troubleshooting at municipal Wastewater
Treatment facilities , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 1978.
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