Environmental Engineering Reference
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NPSHA = 34 ft + 15 ft - 0.6 ft - 0.4 ft - 2 ft = 46 ft nPSha: Suction lift from open reservoir
Example 3.11
Problem: Find the NPSHA in Figure 3.6, where:
Liquid = water
Temperature ( t ) = 60°F
Specific gravity = 1.0
P a = 14.7 psia (34 ft)
h = -20 ft
P v = 0.256 psia (0.6 ft)
h e = 0.4 ft
h f = 2 ft
q = 120 gpm
NPSHA = 34 ft + (-20 ft) - 0.6 ft - 0.4 ft - 2 ft = 11 ft
3.2.12 Pumps in series and Parallel
Parallel operation occurs when two pumps discharge into a com-
mon header. This type of connection is advantageous when the system
demand varies greatly. An advantage of operating pumps in parallel
4 ft
20 ft
figure 3.6 Suction lift from open reservoir.
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