Environmental Engineering Reference
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2.9 The pressure in a pipeline is 6400 psf. What is the head on the
2.10 The pressure on a surface is 35 psig. If the surface area is 1.6 ft 2 ,
what is the force (lb) exerted on the surface?
2.11 Bernoulli's principle states that the total energy of a hydraulic
fluid is .
2.12 What is pressure head ?
2.13 What is a hydraulic grade line ?
2.14 A flow of 1500 gpm takes place in a 12-in. pipe. Calculate the
velocity head.
2.15 Water flows at 5.00 mL/s in a 4-in. line under a pressure of 110
psi. What is the pressure head (ft of water)?
2.16 In Question 2.15, what is the velocity head in the line?
2.17 What is the velocity head in a 6-in. pipe connected to a 1-ft pipe if
the flow in the larger pipe is 1.46 cfs?
2.18 What is velocity head?
2.19 What is suction lift ?
2.20 Explain energy grade line .
referenCes and reCoMMended reading
Arasmith, S. (1993). Introduction to Small Water Systems . Albany, OR:
ACR Publications.
AWWA. (1995a). Basic Science Concepts and applications: Principles
and Practices of Water Supply operations , 2nd ed. Denver, CO: American
Water Works Association.
AWWA. (1995b). Water Treatment: Principles and Practices of Water
Supply operations , 2nd ed. Denver, CO: American Water Works
Association, pp. 449-450.
AWWA. (1996). Water Transmission and distribution , 2nd ed. Denver,
CO: American Water Works Association, p. 358.
Barnes, R.G. (1991). Positive displacement flowmeters for liquid mea-
surement. In flow measurement , edited by D.W. Spitzer (pp. 315-322).
Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America.
Brown, A.E. (1991). Ultrasonic flowmeters. In flow measurement , edited
by D.W. Spitzer (pp. 415-432). Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument
Society of America.
Cheremisinoff, N.P. and Cheremisinoff, P.N. (1989). Pumps/Compressors/
fans: Pocket handbook . Lancaster, PA: Technomic, p. 3.
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