Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The best times to visit the church (if you want to avoid services) are between 10am and
3pm and 3pm and 5.30pm Wednesday to Saturday.
(Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; ; V Károlyi utca 16; adult/child 600/
300Ft, plus temporary exhibitions 200/100Ft; 10am-6pm Tue-Sun; 15, 115, M3/4 Kálvin tér)
Just north of Egyetem tér and housed in the sumptuous neoclassical Károly Palace (Károlyi
Palota), dating from 1840, this museum is devoted to Sándor Petőfi and has great examples
of period furniture and dress. Temporary exhibitions explore other Hungarian poets such as
Endre Ady, Mór Jókai and Attila József. Also here is a centre for contemporary literature, a
library, a concert/lecture hall and a terrace restaurant in the courtyard.
(University Square; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; M3/4 Kálvin tér)
Recently repaved and boasting new lighting, seating, water features and shade sails,
'University Sq' takes its name from the branch of the prestigious Loránd Eötvös Science
University (ELTE; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; V Egyetem tér 1-3) located here. Attached to the main
university building to the west is the lovely baroque 1742 University Church (Egyetemi tem-
plom; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; 1-318 0555; V Papnövelde utca 5-7; 7am-7pm; M3 Kálvin tér) .
Over the altar is a copy of the Black Madonna of Czȩstochowa so revered in Poland. The
building north of the square with the multicoloured dome is the University Library
(Egyetemi könyvtár; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; V Ferenciek tere 10) .
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