Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Castle Museum
The Castle Museum (Vármúzeum; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; 1-487 8800; ; I Szent
György tér 2, Building E; adult/concession 1800/900Ft; 10am-6pm Tue-Sun Feb-Oct, to 4pm Nov-
Mar; 16, 16A, 116, 19, 41) , part of the multi-branched Budapest History Museum, explores
the city's 2000-year history over three floors. Restored palace rooms dating from the 15th
century can be entered from the basement, where there are three vaulted halls, one with a
magnificent Renaissance door frame in red marble bearing the seal of Queen Beatrice and
tiles with a raven and a ring (the seal of her husband, King Matthias Corvinus), leading to
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