Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.10 Reference value
for rope elasticity modules of
locked coil ropes, DIN18809
1,8-10 5
1,7-10 5
E p
1,6-10 5
1,5-10 5
E g
1,4-10 5
E g and E A
1,3-10 5
1,2-10 5
1,1-10 5
1,0-10 5
˃ g
˃ g + ˃ p
mean value
Wyss ( 1957 ) and Jehmlich ( 1985 ) have made series of measurements. They
distinguished between a total rope elasticity module starting from the stress 0 (first
loading) and the rope elasticity module between two stresses after a longer rope
working time. An important contribution to what is known about the rope elasticity
module was made by Hankus ( 1976 , 1978 , 1989 ). He measured the elongation of
many ropes of different constructions with fibre and steel cores with the first
loading as well as after loading repeatedly in an up-and-down direction. He used
these measurements to evaluate the rope elasticity module as secant starting from
the stress r z = 0 with multi-dimensional linear regression calculations. He also
evaluated the rope elongation after it had been loaded for a long time.
The following remarks about the rope elasticity module relate mostly to the
Stuttgart tests conducted by Feyrer and Jahne ( 1990 ). These tests were done with
nearly all types of construction for round stranded wire ropes. A lot of the tests
were carried out by the students listed in the previous article. Stress-Extension Curves
The measurements of stress-extension curves—which form the basis of the eval-
uation for rope elasticity modules—have always been taken in the same manner.
The rope elongation DL is measured for a rope length of L = 2,000 mm with two
inductive elongation meters on the right and left of the rope as seen in Fig. 2.11 .
The results of these measurements are recorded for the first loading cycle up to
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