Civil Engineering Reference
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! p
k ¼ X
with X
u i k i
u i ¼ 1
k ¼ 0 : 49 :
Example 3.10
Crane according to Fig. 3.81
Calculation with Seilleb2.xls
Number of hoisting cycles, no more than
10 % of the ropes have to be discarded
Z A10
Rope class
Number of strands
Rope core
Nominal load
Q = 5,000 kg
Hook, bottom sheave and rope mass
U = 100 kg
Diameter of drum and sheave
D = 400 mm
Nominal rope diameter
d = 16 mm
R = 1,960 N/mm 2
Nominal rope strength
Effective rope bending length
l = 2,000 mm
Rel. force difference
(S - S u )/S = 0,95
Number of bearing rope traces
n T = 2
Force factor for efficiency
f S2 = 1.02
Force factor for ac- and deceleration (small, because of the different
f S4 = 1.04
Endurance factor for side deflection
f N = 0.94
Collective factor
k = 0.51
For nominal load and
for load collective and
Nominal bendings per hoisting
eff. bendings per hoisting
w com ; 0 ¼ 1
w com ¼ w com ; 0 ¼ 1
w sim ; 0 ¼ 2
w sim ¼ w 0 : 7
sim ; 0 ¼ 1.62
w rev ; 0 ¼ 2
w rev ¼ w 0 : 7
rev ; 0 ¼ 1 : 62
Nominal rope tensile force
rope collective force
S N ¼ ð Q þ U Þ g
1000 n T
S ¼ k S N
f S2 f S4
S N ¼ ð 5000 þ 100 Þ 9 : 81
1000 2
1 : 02 1 : 04
S N ¼ 26 : 54 kN
S ¼ 0 : 51 26 : 54 ¼ 13 : 53 kN
The five dimensioning limits
For the nominal tensile force
1. Rope safety factor
m ¼ 165 : 6 = 26 : 54 ¼ 6 : 2 [ 2 : 5
2. Donandt force
S D1 = 65.4 [ 26.54 kN
For the collective tensile force
3. Number of hoisting cycles
Z A10 ¼ 0 : 94 24300 ¼ 22800
4. Optimal rope diameter
d opt = 17.5 mm [ 16 mm
5. Discarding number of wire breaks
B A30 =16[ 8
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