Civil Engineering Reference
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For ( 3.2 ), a supplementary relation between the winding angles # and u W has to
be made. Wiek ( 1973 ) and Leider ( 1977 ) presupposed a constant ratio for both of
the winding angles
k ¼ #
u W
¼ h W
2 r W
D tan a :
p D ¼
ð 3 : 3 Þ
This means that the lay angle a in the bent strand is not constant. According to
Czitary ( 1951 ), the lay angle is expressed by
1 þ 2 r W
tan a ¼ tan a 0
cos u W
with a 0 for the lay angle in the straight strand, r W for the wire winding radius and
D for the diameter of the axis in the bent strand.
Schiffner ( 1986 ) found it useful to consider the bending of the strand with the
supposition of a constant lay angle a = const. In this case the length dl of a wire
element in relation to the length dL of the strand element in the bent rope is
cos a :
dl ¼
ð 3 : 3a Þ
The length dL is
d #
2 þ r W cos u W
dL ¼
ð 3 : 3b Þ
with the radius D/2 of the strand axis and the winding angle # around the sheave
axis and the winding radius r W and the winding angle u W around the strand axis
(wire helix in the strand). The length dL is therefore
dL ¼ r W du
tan a
According to ( 3.3b ), the winding angle d # around the sheave axis is
du :
d # ¼
ð 3 : 3c Þ
2 r W
tan a
þ cos u W
By integration, Schiffner ( 1986 ) calculated the winding angle #
tan u W
2 r W
D 2
4 r 2 W
D 2
4 r 2 W
# ¼
ð 3 : 4 Þ
tan a
For a constant ratio of the winding angles, the space curve of the wires must then
be calculated using ( 3.2 ) and ( 3.3 ) and for a constant lay angle ( 3.2 ) and ( 3.4 ) are
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