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Fig. 2.16 Test situation for
the measurement of rope
damping, Wehking et al.
( 1999 )
pressed sleeve
wire rope
elongation meter
main mass M
dropping mass M A
metallic cross section of the wire rope A = 45.1 mm 2 , the middle rope tensile
stresses for both of the main masses M = 400 and 2,000 kg are
r m ¼ 400 9 : 81
45 : 1
r m ¼ 2 ; 000 9 : 81
45 : 1
¼ 87 N/mm 2
¼ 435 N/mm 2 :
Using ( 2.50 ) and ( 2.52 ), the rope elasticity module of the Warrington rope is
E S ð 87 r a Þ ¼83 ; 000 N/mm 2
E S ð 435 r a Þ ¼125 ; 000 N/mm 2 :
Or alternative, by interpolation for the 6-strand rope from Table 2.3 and DE
from Table 2.4 , the rope elasticity module E S is approximately
E S ð 87 r a Þ ¼E S ð 40; 40 Þþð E S ð 100; 100 Þ E S ð 40; 40 ÞÞ 87 40
100 40 þ DE
E S ð 87 r a Þ ¼77 þð 98 77 Þ 47
kN/mm 2
60 11 ¼ 82
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