Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 1. Standardization life cycle
major players into standardization. Excessively
tough VCS rules might deter the major players
who must intimately participate in standardiza-
tion as a design process because such key players
typically share their expertise to assure success
for the standardization effort (Umapathy, et, al.
2008; Weiss and Cargill 1999).
common sequences as applied to most fields of
endeavor (Bagby 2010).
The standardization life cycle first commences
with the identification of a need. For example, pol-
lution provokes emissions standards, monitoring
requirements provoke testing equipment standards
and sensor metrics, cap and trade emissions trad-
ing provoke standards for transparency of smooth
functioning emissions markets, and the like. In
the second stage, participants are attracted to the
SDA which defines the scope of the standardiza-
tion activity. Choices are made by consensus or
following first mover leadership to pursue one
or more of the forms discussed above: de jure,
de facto, consortia, and/or voluntary consensus.
When VCS or consortia venues are used, one or
more venues may compete for the standardiza-
tion activity. In extreme cases, standards wars
may be waged. Consider the diffusion of green
building standards. In the early 1990s, individu-
als established the U.S. Green Building Council
(USGBC) to identify and satisfy the need for envi-
ronmental building standards with the Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
A life cycle analysis is an appropriate tool to ana-
lyze standardization, just as life cycle analysis is
key to a fundamental understanding of: markets;
particular products and services; the development
of complex systems, processes and software; and
many environmental matters. The insights derived
from life cycle analysis permit holistic system
assessment to avoid omissions, identify critical
path efficiencies, monitor performances at each
phase, assure functionality of all links connecting
phases, and to optimize the SDA's impact. This is
particularly important because most all SDA share
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