Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
and recycled utility of kitchen refuse, do-
mestic garbage, customer rubbish, oil
fume, waste water etc will help to form au-
tomatic integrated catering operation
cleaning of linen, use recycled paper, recy-
cle the garbage of guest room and office. In
service commitment, following foreign en-
vironmental friendly hotel, don't offer “six
tools”in room and launch the project as
“low-carbon environment-friendly points
and coupon” to encourage clients low-car-
bon consumption. In specific details, adjust
temperature of air-conditioner from used
26 centigrade to 28 centigrade, and 20 cen-
tigrade in fall and winter, equip with some
lighting, air-conditioning, fridge and digi-
tal television which fits for energy-saving
Accommodation in scenic spot.
Architecture material, energy consumption
and service commitment will be sustain-
ably recycled to build low-carbon tourism
hotel which can be upgraded to environ-
mental-friendly hotel by ISO14001 au-
thentication. For instance, the material that
is cool in summer and warm in winter is
the best choice as the architecture materi-
als; which is actually the characteristics of
traditional architecture material. Japan is
a good example in this aspect. In energy
consumption, try to reduce the energy with
large carbon emission, use more recycled
clean energy such as wind power, water
power and geothermal energy. In physi-
cal utility, reduce the time of changing and
Transportation in scenic spot. The key
point is to realize energy-saving, emission
reduction, and usage of clean energy, and
even zero emission. For example, in terms
of sightseeing forms, trekking mount trail,
sightseeing by bike and “roaming” are ad-
vocated. For the choice of transportation
vehicle, try to apply more traditional lit-
Table 2. Execution scheme on Six elements of low carbon tourism
Low-carbonized execution scheme
Foods and beverages
Energy-saving architecture materials are best choice. Try to buy low-carbon foods with reasonable food structure
of proper amount of meat and vegetation. having clean production, saving water, oil, gas, and coal, offering green
catering service, disposal and recycled utility of kitchen refuse, domestic garbage, customer rubbish, oil fume,
waste water etc to form automatic integrated catering operation model.
Energy -saving architecture materials, the application of recycle clean energy. In the build, it can use more
recycled clean energy such as wind power, water power and geothermal energy. Reduce the time of changing
and cleaning of linen, use recycled paper, recycle the garbage of guest room and office. In service commitment,
following foreign environmental friendly hotel, don't offer “six tools ”in room and launch the project as “low-
carbon environment-friendly points and coupon” to encourage clients having low-carbon consumption.
Trekking mount trail, sightseeing by bike etc, “roaming” is recommended. Try to apply more traditional litter,
environmental-friendly electromobile, steamer and carriage etc. decrease the pollution results from automobile
exhaust to offer adequate self-rehabilitation time and space for ecological natural environment of scenic spot.
Manager of tourism area should offer various ecological tourism products and tourism reception facilities, improve
scenic spot marking and guiding system, apply carbon emission calculation device in control management of visi-
tors' carbon emission in scenic spot to real track visitors' carbon emission and tell them the message in time etc.
Visitors need to practice the notion of low-carbon environmental friendliness in the aspects of behavior and
consciousness to form a good low-carbon tourism habit.
Tourism daily consumption and tourism souvenir in scenic spot should try to apply various environmental
friendly materials, recycle materials to adopt manufacture technique matching with local cultural tradition, clean
processing production and manufacture to reuse those wastes.
Entertainment and
Reduce waste, save energy, decrease all the noises, deal with all kinds of garbage scientifically.
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