Environmental Engineering Reference
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Total. (2007). Rapport, environnement, et société .
mental impacts related to processes, products
and services.
WBCSD: The World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a CEO-
led, global association of some 200 companies
dealing exclusively with business and sustainable
development. The Council provides a platform for
companies to explore sustainable development,
share knowledge, experiences and best practices,
and to advocate business positions on these issues
in a variety of forums, working with govern-
ments, non-governmental and intergovernmental
WBCSD. (2005). Toyota environment and hybrid,
case study.
Alliance (The): Name given to the capitalistic
alliance between Renault and Nissan in 1999.
Business Model: A document which describes
the rationale of how an organization generates
financial value.
Business As Usual (BAU): The normal course
of some activity. A Business as Usual Scenario is
a scenario is a scenario prolonging past trends.
Differentiation: Term used by Michael Porter
to specify his “generic strategies”. Differentiation
is a strategy which is based on the uniqueness of a
product within the cope of an industry (compared
to a market).
Emerging Countries: A country which enters
into a process of rapid growth (> 5% growth/year).
Focalization: Term used by Michael Porter
to specify his “generic strategies”. Focalization
strategies only deal with market segment.
Kyoto Protocol: Is an international agree-
ment linked to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change. It sets binding
targets for 37 industrialized countries and the
European community for reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. These amount to an average of five
per cent against 1990 levels over the five-year
period 2008-2012.
Low Carbon Transition: Development of
economic, social, political (…) pathways to curb
greenhouse gases emissions by 2050, compatible
with an ambitious target to limit temperature
increase in the longer-term (2°C above predin-
dustrial levels).
ISO 14001: International standard for envi-
ronnemental certification. It provides a framework
defining the rules to reduce corporate environ-
I.e. stabilization of the temperature increase
at 2°C by 2050.
global network created in 1990 in Europe
by surfers to protect surf spots from local
promote education on environment and
mountain protection.
promotion of environmental protection
(mountains and lakes).
Quilsilver, annual report 2009.
Ademe - Les exemples à suivre, “la demarche
environnementale de Ripcurl Europe”, oc-
tobre 2008.
French state agency for environment and
energy conservation.
REACH is the Regulation on Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals. It entered into force on 1st June
2007. REACH makes industry responsible
for assessing and managing the risks posed
by chemicals and providing appropriate
safety information to their users.
Grenelle de l'environnement (“France's
Environment Round Table) was initiated
by the President Nicolas Sarkozy. For the
first time, a government gathered civilian
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