Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
from China's climate change policy and practice
to support the argument that political freedom
rather than technology change make difference
in fighting climate change in such developing
countries as China.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). (2005). Summary for policymakers. In
IPCC Special report: Carbon dioxide capture and
storage . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
International Energy Agency (IEA). (2008a).
Energy technology perspective: Scenario and
strategies to 2050 . Paris, France: OECD/IEA.
Center for American Progress (CAP). (2009). A
roadmap for US-China collaboration on carbon
capture and sequestration . Washington, DC: CAP.
International Energy Agency (IEA). (2008b).
World energy outlook 2008 . Paris, France: OECD/
Energy Information Administration. (2008). CO2
emission from the consumption of energy in inter-
national energy statistics . Washington, DC: EIA.
Koornneef, J., & Van Keulen, T., A. F., & Turken-
burg, W. (2008). Life cycle assessment of a pul-
verized coal power plant with post-combustion
capture, transport and storage of CO2. Interna-
tional Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control , 2 (4),
448-467. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2008.06.008
EU. (2010) STROCO2 project. Retrieved from
Friedmann, S. J. (2009). A US-China CCS road-
map . US-China Coal Conversion and Carbon Man-
agement Workshop. Retrieved from http://www.
nrcce.wvu.edu/ CleanEnergy/ docs/ NRCCE_US-
CHINA_ WORKSHOP_ presentation-agenda.pdf
Morse, R., Rai, V., & He, G. (2009). The real
drivers of carbon capture and storage in China
and implications for climate policy. Working
Paper 88, Program on Energy and Sustainable
Development at Stanford University. Stanford,
CA: Stanford University
Global, C. C. S. Institute (GCCSI). (2010). CCS
ready policy: Considerations and recommended
practices for policymakers . Retrieved from http://
www.globalccsinstitute.com/ general_informa-
tion/ reports_papers_documents.html
NDRC. (2007). 2006 provincial electricity
price levels of end-user and on-Grid . Retrieved
from http://www.ndrc.gov.cn/ jggl/ jgqk/
Hamilton, M. R. (2009). An analytical framework
for long term policy for commercial deployment
and innovation in carbon capture and sequestra-
tion technologies in the United States . Unpublished
Masters thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology. Retrieved from http://sequestration.mit.
edu/ pdf/ MichaelHamilton_thesis_dec2009.pdf
NDRC. (2010). The notice to national electricity
price adjustment . Retrieved from http://www.ndrc.
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Ni, C. (2009). China energy primer. A report
from the U.S. Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory (LBNL-2860E). Retrieved
from http://china.lbl.gov/sites/china.lbl.gov/ files/
LBNL-2860E. China_Energy_Primer. Nov2009.
Hayward, S. F. (2005). The China syndrome and
the environmental Kuznets curve. Environmen-
tal Policy Outlook Nov.-Dec. Washington, DC:
American Enterprise Institute International En-
ergy Agency (IEA). (2007). World energy outlook
2007: China and India insights . Paris, France:
Third Generation Environmentalism. (E3G).
(2008). Innovation and technology transfer. Lon-
don, UK: E3G/Chatham House.
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