Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 9
Information and
Communication Technologies
(ICT) in Building Knowledge
Processes in Vulnerable
A Case for Sustainability
Prakash Rao
Symbiosis International University, India
Changes in precipitation, temperature, glacial melt patterns and sea level rise are being seen as increas-
ingly affecting the world's ecosystems and natural resource base. Recognizing the value of information
available from the broader community and also the changing framework of traditional knowledge and
local perceptions, an integrated approach to building knowledge based scientific information is proposed
through the use of effective ICT based tools and strategic information databases and networks.
Technological advances have a major role to play in developing a sound, efficient, and sustainable
pathway for a region or country in the face of increased economic growth. The increasing conflicts
arising between economic growth and natural processes or green ecosystems can only be bridged if
sustainable and innovative technologies are adopted for sharing information and diffusion across dif-
ferent sectors of society.
The present chapter explores the use of some of the current state of the art technologies like ICTs includ-
ing tools like Remote Sensing and GIS as a means for providing sound and efficient decision making
across various sectors.
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