Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4. Metric for Process Perspective
Perspective Process Perspective
Key Question How effective and efficient is the Green IT during its life-cycle?
Reduce the amount of technology pollution/carbon footprint/GHG emission for conducting the operational process
• Pollution control index
• Transportation efficiency assessment
• Emission ratio
• Corporate report (ISO14001, GRI, or EMAS version)
Decrease the consumption of energy and resources for conducting the operational process
• Management system project scores
• Corporate report (ISO14001, GRI, or EMAS version)
• Average consumption of water, materials, energy
Minimize the environment-related risks
• Hazardous waste ratings
• Risk technology assessment
• Corporate report (ISO14001, GRI, or EMAS version)
• Environmental impact assessment
Easy to recycle, reuse, and decompose at the end of technology life-cycle
• Life-cycle assessment
• Material investigation
• e-waste ratio
• Corporate report (ISO14001, GRI, or EMAS version)
principal issues here are as follows: reducing the
quantity of technology pollution/carbon footprint/
Green house gases (GHG) emissions for conduct-
ing the operational process, decreasing the con-
sumption of energy and resources inherent to the
operational process, minimizing environment-
related risks, and adopting technologies that are
easy to recycle, reuse, and decompose at the end
of the technology life-cycle. The first objective
can be measured by calculating the pollution
control index, transportation efficiency assess-
ment, emission ratio, and corporate report
(ISO14001, GRI 2 , or EMAS 3 version). The en-
ergy consumption and resources may be measur-
able via the management system project score,
average consumption of water, materials, energy,
and corporate report (ISO14001, GRI, or EMAS
version). The third objective, minimizing the
environment-associated risks, can be evaluated
through hazardous waste ratings, risk technology
assessments, and corporate reports. The final
objective, related to end-of-life products, can be
measured via life cycle assessments, material
investigations, e-waste ratios, and corporate re-
Stakeholder Perspective
The stakeholder perspective represents stakehold-
ers' evaluation of Green IT. Our Green IT balanced
scorecard showed that stakeholders perform a
pivotal role in the green business environment.
Many surveys have indicates that stakeholders'
growing interest in the natural environment,
and have provided clear evidence for popular
environmental demands on business firms. Funk
(2003) reported that “Companies that actively
manage a wide range of sustainability indica-
tors are better able to create long-term value
for all stakeholders” (Funk, 2003, p. 1). Thus,
stakeholder reactions are a crucial element, as
they may affect short-term revenues and costs
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