Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
An Introduction to
the Green IT Balanced
Scorecard as a Strategic
IT Management System
Yulia Wati
Chosun University, South Korea
Chulmo Koo
Chosun University, South Korea
This chapter introduces the Green IT Balanced Scorecard by incorporating an environmental aspect
of technology into the scorecard measurement method. The authors conceptualized the Green IT bal-
anced scorecard as “a nomological management tool to systematically align IT strategy with business
strategy from an environmental sustainability perspective in order to achieve competitive advantage.”
The objectives of the Green IT balanced scorecard include the measurement of technology performance
via the effective integration of environmental aspects, the investigation of both tangible and intangible
assets of Green IT investment, the alignment of IT performance and business performance, and the
transformation of the results into competitive advantage. This concept offers a new possibility for both
practitioners and researchers to translate their sustainable business strategies into Green IT actions.
measurement tool used to achieve corporate goals
in a dynamic environment (Kaplan and Norton,
1996). The basic concept of this balance score-
card was to translate an organization's mission
and strategy into a comprehensive set of perfor-
mance measures that establishes the framework
The Strategic Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was first
introduced in 1992 by Kaplan and Norton as a
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