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Best in Print
TThe O
e Open R
n Road: Th
d: The Glob
e Global J
al Jouurney o
y of th
f the F
e Fouurteenth D
th Dala
alai L
i Lama ((Piico Iy
o Iyer) A
) An
engaagiing lo
g look a
ok at th
t the w
e warmth a
th and c
d contradic
dictiions o
s of th
f the 1
e 14th D
4th Dala
alai L
i Lama..
Fiire U
e Undder th
r the Sn
e Snow ((Palde
alden G
n Gyatso) A m
) A moviing a
g auutoobiiograpphy o
y of a B
f a Buddh
monk im
nk impriisoned in T
d in Tiibet f
t for 33 y
r 33 years..
Tears o
s of Blo
f Blood (Ma
(Mary C
y Craiig) A r
) A riivetiing a
g and dis
d distressiing a
g accouunt o
t of th
f the T
e Tiibetan e
n exx-
periience s
e siince th
e the Ch
e Chiinese t
e taakeover..
Tiibet, T
, Tiibet ((Patrick F
ick Frencch) A n
) A nuuanced lo
d look b
ok beyond th
d the p
e propaganda a
da and m
d mytth
ding T
g Tiibet..
Trespassers o
s on th
n the R
e Roof o
f of th
f the W
e World
rld ((Peter Ho
r Hoppkirk
irk) Ch
) Chronicle
icles E
s Euuropean e
n exx-
plorers' e
' early a
rly attempts t
s to e
o enter f
r forrbidde
idden T
n Tiibet. Sup
. Superbly r
rbly readable
Best on Film
dun ((19997) Ma
) Martin Sc
in Scorsese''s b
s beauutiifully sh
ully shot de
t depiictiion o
n of th
f the lif
e life o
e of th
f the D
e Dala
Vajjra Sk
a Sky O
y Over T
r Tiibet ((2006) J
006) Joohn B
n Bush
ush''s B
s Buddh
-inspiired c
d ciinematic p
ic pilg
to th
o the p
e priinciipal s
al siites o
s of c
f central T
al Tiibet..
SSeven Y
n Years in T
s in Tiibet ((19997) Y
) Yes, it
, it''s a b
s a bit s
it silly
illy, a
, and, n
d, no, it
, it''s n
s not th
t the g
e greatest f
t film b
ilm buut
iit''s s
s still g
ill great in
t inspiiratiion b
n before a t
e a trip t
ip to T
o Tiibet..
Modernisation, But At What Cost?
As part of its 'great leap west', the Chinese government has poured US$45 billion into
Tibet's infrastructure. It has resettled 1.3 million Tibetans in new housing and created a
domestic tourist boom that is spurring hotel and restaurant construction across the plateau.
The speed of modernisation is breathtaking.
In most parts of the world this would all be good news, but herein lies Tibet and China's
conundrum. Alongside the short-term tourists has come a flood of Chinese immigrants,
whom Tibetans claim are the real beneficiaries of Tibet's economic boom.
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