Travel Reference
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Stage 3: Tsotup-chu Valley to Herders' Camps
5 hours / 14km / 300m ascent/400m descent
From the Tsotup-chu ford, the main watercourse flows from the southeast and a minor trib-
utary enters from the southwest. Follow this tributary (which quickly disappears under-
ground) steeply up for about 30 minutes until you reach a large basin and a cairn that of-
fers fine views down onto Palang Tsodü lake. Stay on the west side of the basin and turn
into the first side valley opening on the right. A couple of minutes into the valley you'll
pass a large group camp site (5079m; N 29°36.604ʹ, E 091°33.544ʹ). This is a good al-
ternative camp site to the Tsotup-chu, but only if you're acclimatised as it's 100m higher.
Follow this broad valley, which soon arcs south to the Chitu-la. The pass can be seen in
the distance, a rocky rampart at the head of the valley. At first, stay on the west side of the
valley; there is a small trail. As you approach the pass, the trail switches to the east side of
the valley. If you miss the trail just look for the easiest route up: the terrain is not particu-
larly difficult.
The Chitu-la (5210m; N 29°34.810ʹ, E 091°33.160ʹ) is topped by several cairns and a
small glacial tarn. Move to the west side of the pass to find the trail down and to circum-
vent a sheer rock wall on its south flank. A short descent will bring you into a basin with
three small lakes. The trail skirts the west side of the first lake and then crosses to the east-
ern shores of the second two. It takes 45 minutes to reach the south end of the basin. Drop
down from the basin on the west side of the stream and in 30 minutes you'll pass a collec-
tion of cairns (5077m; N 29°33.924ʹ, E 091°32.790ʹ) to the right. A further 20 minutes
brings you to the stone walls of a camp where herders have carved out level places for
their tents.
Below the herders' highest camp, the valley is squeezed in by vertical rock walls, for-
cing you to pick your way through the rock-strewn valley floor. Pass a side stream after 15
minutes and then cross over to the west side of the widening valley to recover the trail. In
20 more minutes you will come to a flat and a seasonal herders' camp on the east side of
the valley, which is good for camping. At the lower end of the flat, return to the west side
of the valley. The trail again disappears as it enters a scrub willow and rosebush forest, but
there is only one way to go to get to Samye and that is downstream.
In 30 minutes, when a tributary valley enters from the right, cross to the east side of the
valley. After 10 minutes more you will reach another seasonal herders' camp , inhabited
for only a short time each year. Another 20 minutes beyond this camp, hop back to the
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