Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
(, Zhōngguó Yídòng Tōngxìn GOOGLE MAP ; Beijing Donglu; 9am-6pm Mon-Sat)
This is the best place to get a local SIM card for your mobile phone. Choose from data,
calls or a mixture of both. It's a fairly complicated procedure and you'll likely need a local
ID card so go with your guide. Expect to pay around ¥100 for a month of data.
At the time of research, foreigners were not allowed to travel on public transport out of
Lhasa, with the possible exception of buses to the airport and the pilgrim bus to Ganden.
Basic information is included here in case the situation changes.
Getting There & Away
While there are a number of ways to get to Lhasa, the most popular routes are by air from
Chéngdū (in Sìchuān), by train from Xīníng, and overland or by air from Kathmandu.
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