Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The project results confirmed that the interests of the rural population and the
agricultural sector play only a marginal role in the urban planning process of
Hanoi and Nanjing. There is, however, a growing resistance of the rural population
to be moved without having their interests being taken into account properly.
There is, also, in both cities a tendency towards the creation of more green spaces in
and between the new urban areas.
This development provides opportunities for integrating rural and urban functions.
The project made urban planners aware of these possibilities of having agricultural
producers taking care of green space and they indicated that they will further
explore these opportunities at pilot level.
For that purpose, the project started a dialogue between urban planners and the
local population, but the introduction of participatory approaches in the planning
procedures does not comply with the governance structure in both countries, yet.
In summary, the project showed that it is possible to create productive green zones
in new urban areas, but that it requires intensive consultations among the involved
stakeholders, from farmers up to urban planners, to achieve a situation that meets the
interests of both the inhabitants of the new residential areas and those farmers who
are keen to continue farming in these green zones.
3) What are the outputs in terms of capacity-building and partnerships?
Most of the research activities were carried out by the researchers in Hanoi and
Nanjing, but in all cases, the Dutch researchers had the lead in the research approach
and design. Vietnamese and Chinese researchers have been trained in several aspects,
such as participatory action research, institutional and stakeholders' analysis, policy
process analyses, rapid diagnostic appraisal, marketing research, interview techniques
and scenario development. About 50 researchers and students were involved in
various trainings.
The working relations between the project partners have been strengthened and it
is the intention to continue co-operation in new projects. In 2004, Wageningen UR
stationed a representative at CARES-Hanoi University to intensify the contacts in
Vietnam and other South-east Asian countries.
E) Tangible outputs, dissemination and impact
Can you describe the (max. 10) key outputs of your project:
1) Type of output
Various project reports, papers, articles and website.
Apart from the written output, an important output is the increased capacity at
the partner institutions in participatory research activities.
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