Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
New University of Lisbon, Portugal:
- Center of Studies for Geography and Regional Planning
Nanjing Agricultural University, China:
- College of Land Management (CLM)
Hanoi Agricultural University, Vietnam:
- Centre for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES)
Institute of Sociology, Vietnam
Part of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
B) Project objectives
1) What were the initial project objectives?
The overall objective of this project is:
To contribute to the synergy between urban growth and agricultural development in
the urban fringe of Hanoi and Nanjing, in order to improve the welfare of both rural
and urban communities.
The specific project objectives are:
To create an institutional basis for constructive policy dialogue and planning
between key stakeholders in the peri-urban fringes of Hanoi and Nanjing.
To identify and analyse the dynamics and tradeoffs with respect to peri-urban
land allocation between urban and agricultural uses.
To assess the changing livelihood strategies of peri-urban farmers and the
associated changes in the local economy.
To determine the key technical and economic constraints and opportunities for
environmentally sustainable agriculture in the peri-urban fringe.
To design and propose options for peri-urban land allocation that integrate urban
growth and sustainable agriculture.
2) Have there been any (major) changes to these objectives and for what reason?
The project objectives did not change during the project.
C) Project activities
1) Which activities were employed to meet the objectives?
The project consisted of several activities that were executed by the different
partners. The project activities are divided in three phases of ca one year each.
2003/04: City level analyses:
Platform building and pilot area selection: identification of major stakeholders,
selection of pilot study areas and determining key project goals; analysis of available
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