Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Activities that contributed to the development of the tool for financial analysis of
SWC measures, relating to the effectiveness of SWC measures and how this can
be used in SWC planning; and
Supporting modelling activities, scientific surveys and research of physical pro-
cesses of soil erosion. One of the main objectives of this work was to understand
how farmers' knowledge and scientific knowledge can support each other in
SWC planning. As indicated in Figure 1 the scientific work on modelling and
surveys and (physical processes) supported the development of the tool for
participatory soil erosion mapping as well as the development of the tool for
financial analysis of SWC measures.
Development of the tools
Testing and application of the tools
1. Review of farmers
Reference: 1, 2
Development of
soil erosion
mapping tool
3. Construction of tool
for participatory
erosion mapping
Reference 5
9 Application and
testing under field
conditions (Tanzania)
Reference 14
2. Indicators:
identification and
Reference: 3, 4
Tool 1: Tool for
participatory soil
erosion mapping
Reference: 15
10. Key informant
consultation on
Reference: 17, 18
modeling and
surveys activities
4. Field surveys and
Reference: 6, 7
5. Comparison:
models, surveys,
farmers' assessments
Reference: 8, 9
Tool 2: Tool for
assessment of SWC
Reference: 16
6. Physical
effectiveness of SWC
Reference: 10
8. Construction of tool
for financial
Reference: 12
9 Application and
testing under field
conditions (Kenya)
Reference 13
Development of
financial analysis
7. Financial
effectiveness of SWC
Reference: 11
Figure 1. Clusters of activities and their relations
Cluster 1: Review of farmers' perceptions on erosion , SWC measures and
adoption, to understand farmers' perception on soil erosion, to determine the social
and economic factors that influence adoption of SWC-measures, and to establish
relationship with the farmers for further activities. Two reviews were carried out,
one in each research site. The review in the Kenyan site aimed to evaluate
knowledge and perceptions of soil erosion and existing soil and water conservation
measures. Community meetings and semi-structured household surveys were carried
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