Agriculture Reference
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Van Paassen, A., Roetter, R.P, Van Keulen, H. and Hoanh, C.T., 2007. Can computer models stimulate
learning about sustainable land use? Experience with LUPAS in the humid (sub-)tropics of Asia.
Special Issue, Agricultural Systems , 94(3), 874-887.
Verhagen, J., Wösten, H. and De Jager, A., 2007. Agriculture and environment. In: Roetter, R.P., Van
Keulen, H., Kuiper, M., Verhagen, J. and Van Laar, H.H. (eds.) Science for agriculture and rural
development in low-income countries . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 57-75.
WCED (World Commission on the Environment and Development), 1987. Our common future. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 400 pp.
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