Agriculture Reference
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Ruben, R. and Van den Berg, M.M., 2000. Non-farm employment and rural poverty alleviation in rural
Honduras . Development Economics Group, Department of Social Sciences, Wageningen University,
Start, D., 2001. The rise and fall of the rural non-farm economy: Poverty impacts and policy options.
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Stokke, K., Yapa, L.S. and Dias, H.D., 1991. Growth linkages, the non-farm sector, and rural inequality:
A study of southern Sri Lanka. Economic Geography , 67(3), 223-239.
Verhagen, J., Wösten, H. and De Jager, A., 2007. Agriculture and environment. In: Roetter, R.P., Van
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development in low-income countries . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 57-75.
Vlaming, J., Van den Bosch, H., Van Wijk, M.S., De Jager, A., Bannink A. and Van Keulen, H., 2001.
Monitoring nutrient flows and economic performance in tropical farming systems (NUTMON) . Part
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Wiggins, S. and Proctor, S., 2001. How special are rural areas? The economic implications of location for
rural development. Development Policy Review , 19(4), 427-436.
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