Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 4
The Agent System for Balancing
the Distribution of Resources
Abstract This chapter deals with the agents' application in practice. The system
of balancing the resources in multi-processor environment is presented. It is a very
good illustrative example of the application of the multi-agent systems, and allows
for the discussion of the main properties of the agent and agent systems.
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter we present the application of the concept of the agent based on the
architecture of the M-agent. This multi-agent system is responsible for the division
of resources in the scattered environment to make their distribution as uniform as
The underlying assumption is that the distribution of resources has to be done
under conditions of intensity of production and consumption of the resources in dif-
ferent places of the scattered environment, which is changing in time, yet impossible
to predict.
The problem of dynamic division of resources is the aim of numerous theoretical
as well as practical studies [60, 110, 111, 142]. It is also connected with the problem
of division of resources known as the transportation domain or the supply chain [97,
112, 113, 143]. The general form of this task may come down to different types of
practical applications, inter alia, to the balance of the server load in cyberspace or to
task processing in the cloud. Different variants of the problem are described in the
following papers: [33, 60, 133, 134, 188].
4.2 The Agent Environment of Balancing
the Distribution of Resources
As was mentioned in the previous chapters, in order to define the agent system it is
necessary to specify:
The environment of agents' activity
Agents (of different kinds)
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