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Fig. 3.6 Schema of the multi-profile agent's activity. A particular profile (e.g. the profile n )repre-
sents the role which a given agent plays at a given moment in a particular multi-agent system
The formulation of the result strategy may involve connecting chosen elements
of the strategy from individual profiles, or it may be a selection the one strategy from
the agent's profiles (a strategy from the currently dominating profile).
If we consider the agent's activity as different roles, according to specific circum-
stances, played by an agent in a particular environment, we may notice that a given
profile is responsible for one of the roles mentioned above.
This approach enables great flexibility in the agent's activity for the purpose
of adjusting its activity to specific tasks realized in the environment, i.e., playing
different roles in particular situations. It makes it possible to use multi-agent systems,
inter alia, in the multi-criteria optimization.
The concept of the multi-profile agent may also be used for modelling more
complex agent's behaviors such as the agent's activity on the basis of its “emotional
states”, for which individual profiles are responsible.
3.6 Extensions and Applications of the M-agent Concept
3.6.1 Planning, Negotiations
The above-presented architecture of an agent may be used for the description of the
agent's behaviour in different situations taking place in a given environment.
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