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environment (i.e., the agent must relocate in order to notice certain elements of
the environment).
Close environment—is an environment which is in the scope of observation of a
given agent only with the use of the procedures of observation.
Surroundings—is part of the environment (close environment) which is within the
agent's capabilities, i.e., which the agent may affect (process and change).
Neighbourhood—is part of the surroundings which a given agent may affect using
other greater powers (and capabilities) than other agents.
Proprietary environment—is that part of neighbourhoodwhich can be changed (mod-
ified) only by a given algorithm called the owner. Other algorithms (other agents)
may change that part of the environment only with the consent of the owner.
An algorithm and its proprietary environment create the basic unit of structure of
decentralized systems in the form of an autonomous agent. The above division is
based on capabilities to observe a given action of the agent. That division takes
account of other agents existing in the environment. The environment may also be
divided in terms of observation of the content, and in this case we may distinguish
two basic components.
Resources constitute the first component of the environment which is processed
by the agent. Resources do not possess the capability to take the initiative which is
typical for an agent but can be changed according to their own set algorithm (e.g.,
process of renewal, outdating, growing older etc.).
Agents, which constitute the basic active part of the environment are another
component. A given agent perceives other agents as part of the environment, which
may be noticed and influenced by this agent according to a set rules. It is also
possible for a given agent to take account of “itself” in the model of the environment
it perceives. This manner of perceiving “itself” is the way the concept of awareness
of the agent's existence is analysed.
One of the basic tasks which should be solved while creating multi-agent systems
is the selection of the appropriate environment in which agents will operate.
3.3 M-agent in the Agent System
Our considerations may constitute a certain introduction to the concept of an agent
of agent systems and their structure. It may be concluded that the notion of an agent
is crucial for the structure of multi-agent systems which as was already mentioned,
may play a significant role in the development of computer systems. Therefore, it
is necessary to create a model (one or possibly a couple of models) of an agent and
the multi-agent system. These models could provide a starting point for designing
multi-agent systems.
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