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35. K. Cetnarowicz, Evolution in multi-agent world = genetic algorithms + aggregation + escape.
In Proceedings of Seventh European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-
Agent World—MAAMAW'96, Tech. rep. of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory Brussels (Belgium, 1996)
36. K. Cetnarowicz, M-agent architecture based method of development of multiagent systems.
In Proceedings of the 8th Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing
(ACC Cyfronet Krakow, Poland, 1996)
37. K. Cetnarowicz, Technology of decentralized multi-agent system creation based on the m-
agent architecture. In Proceedings of the MIFSYD'96, II-AGH, Leibniz/IMAG, Technical Rep.
No 11.1/96, Institute of Computer Science (AGH Krakow, Poland, 1996)
38. K. Cetnarowicz, Problemy projektowania i realizacji systemow wieloagentowych. , vol. 80,
Uczelniane wydawnictwo naukowe AGH (1999)
39. K. Cetnarowicz, Algorithm and agent. In Proceedings of the CS&P'2009 workoshop (Warsaw
University, 2009)
40. K. Cetnarowicz, From algorithm to agent. In Computational Science ICCS 2009 , LNCS 5545
(Springer, Berlin, 2009)
41. K. Cetnarowicz, E. Cetnarowicz, Multi-agent decentralised system of medical help. In Man-
agement and Control of Production and Logistics. IFIP, IFAC, IEEE Conference , Grenoble,
France, ENSIEG, LAG Grenoble (France, 2000)
42. K. Cetnarowicz, R. Cieciwa, G. Rojek, An immunological and an ethically-social approach
to security mechanisms in a multiagent system. In Advances in Soft Computing 2006, editor,
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Proceedings of the Conference: IIS:
IIPWM'06, Poland (Springer, Berlin, 2006), pp. 11-19
43. K. Cetnarowicz, R. Cieciwa, G. Rojek, Social layers in agents' behavior evaluation system.
In Proceedings ICCS 2008 8th International Conference, Computational Science (Springer,
Berlin, 2008), pp. 594-603
44. K. Cetnarowicz, G. Dobrowolski, M. Kisiel-Dorohinicki, E. Nawarecki, Fuctional integrity
of mas through the dynamics of the agents' population. In Procedings of the ICMAS'98 ,ed.
by Y. Demazeau (IEEE, Paris, 1998), pp. 405-407
45. K. Cetnarowicz, G. Dobrowolski, J. Kozlak, Active agents cooperation in decentralized sys-
tems. In Z. Bubnicki (ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Systems
Science vol. 1, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej (Wrocław, Poland, 1995),
pp. 57-62. ISBN 83-7085-152-5
46. K. Cetnarowicz, G. Dobrowolski, E. Nawarecki, Zdecentralizowany model zwiazków
produkcyjno-transportowych oparty na koncepcji autonomicznych agentów. in 19th Inter-
national Workshop Advances Simulation of Systems ASIS 1997 , ed. by J. Štefan (MARQ,
Ostrava, 1997), pp. 359-364. ISBN 80-85988-20-8
47. K. Cetnarowicz, G. Dobrowolski, M. Zabi nska, Srodowisko do symulacji systemów wieloa-
gentowych w oparciu o architekture M-agenta. in I Krajowa Konferencja "Metody i sys-
temy komputerowe w badaniach naukowych i projektowaniu inzynierskim ,edby.T.Szmuc,
R. Tadeusiewicz. Krakowskie Centrum Informatyki Stosowanej CCATIE (Kraków, 1997),
pp. 615-622. ISBN 83-907808-1-x
48. K. Cetnarowicz, G. Dobrowolski, M. Zabi nska, Srodowisko do symulacji systemów wieloa-
gentowych złozonych z agentów mobilnych. in 19th International Workshop Advances Sim-
ulation of Systems ASIS 1997 , ed by J. Štefan (MARQ, Ostrava, 1997), pp. 379-386. ISBN
49. K. Cetnarowicz, R. Drezewski, The aggregation mechanism for agent-based evolutionary
computation. In Proceedings of the MCPL 2007: Management and Control of Production
and Logistics, IFAC Conference (Springer, Berlin, 2007), pp. 169-174
50. K. Cetnarowicz, R. Drezewski, Maintaining functional integrity in multi-agent systems for
resource allocation. Comput. Inform. 29 , 947-973 (2010)
51. K. Cetnarowicz, A. Goscinski, T. Syryjczyk, Koncepcja rozszerzenia jezyka modelowania
zdarzenw celu zdefiniowania jezyka sterowania procesoww czasie rzeczywistym (conception
of the extention of the language for events modelling to the real time systems programming
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