Travel Reference
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War in Algeria is brought to an end after claiming the lives of more than 12,000
people; three-quarters of a million Algerian-born French citizens arrive in France.
Paris is rocked by student-led riots that bring the nation and the city to the brink of
civil war; as a result de Gaulle is forced to resign the following year.
Jacques Chirac, the first Paris mayor to be elected with real power, assumes office.
The Centre Pompidou, the first of a string of grands projets,huge public edifices
through which French leaders seek to immortalise themselves, opens to great contro-
President Mitterrand's grand projet,Opéra de Paris Bastille, opens to mark the bicen-
tennial of the French Revolution; IM Pei's Grande Pyramide is unveiled at the Louvre.
France beats Brazil to win the World Cup at the spanking-new Stade de France (Stadi-
um of France) in St-Denis north of central Paris.
Socialist Bertrand Delanoë becomes the first openly gay mayor of Paris (and of any
European capital); he is wounded in a knife attack by a homophobic assailant the fol-
lowing year.
The French franc is thrown onto the scrap heap of history as the country adopts the
euro as its official currency, along with 14 other EU member-states.
France bans the wearing of crucifixes, the Islamic headscarf and other overtly reli-
gious symbols in state schools.
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