Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Patrons at a Paris cafe
Price Ranges
The symbols below indicate the cost for a two-course meal in our reviews.
Opening Hours
Restaurants generally open from noon to 2pm for lunch and from 7.30pm to 10.30pm
for dinner. If you want to avoid the rush, remember that the peak Parisian dining times
are 1pm and 9pm.
Most restaurants shut for one full day (usually Sunday) and sometimes an additional
afternoon. August is the peak holiday month and many places are consequently closed
during this time.
You can generally find a free table for lunch at midrange restaurants, but it's best to
show up before 12.30pm. It's always advisable to book in advance for dinner at a
midrange restaurant, though often a day or two will suffice. At high-end restaurants, re-
servations for lunch or dinner are absolutely mandatory - sometimes up to one or two
months in advance. On the phone, you should say: ' Je voudrais réserver une table pour
une/deux/trois…personnes, s'il vous plaît .' Big-name restaurants may require that you
reconfirm on the day of your meal.
A pourboire (tip) on top of the bill is not necessary as service is always included. But it is
not uncommon to round up the bill if you were pleased with your waiter.
Paying the Bill
Trying to get l'addition (the bill) can be maddeningly slow in many cases. Do not take
this personally. The French consider it rude to bring the bill immediately - you have to
be persistent when it comes to getting your server's attention.
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