Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Grand Palais Varied exhibitions inside a 1900 art nouveau beauty of a building.
Palais de Tokyo Interactive contemporary art exhibitions and installations against a stark
concrete-and-steel backdrop.
Jeu de Paume ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ;
01 47 03 12 50; ; 1 place de
la Concorde, 8e; adult/child €8.50/free;
11am-9pm Tue, to 7pm Wed-Sun;
Contemporary photography exhibitions in the Jardin des Tuileries.
Best Unsung Museums
La Pinacothèque Shaking up the Paris art world with juxtaposed works and a diverse pro-
gram of exhibitions.
Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine Standout museum devoted to French architecture
and heritage.
Musée Jacquemart-André Gorgeous 19th-century mansion hung with canvases by Rem-
brandt, Botticelli and Titian.
Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits Handwritten letters and works providing a powerful con-
nection to their famous authors.
Best History Museums
Musée National du Moyen Âge Where medieval history and crafts come to life.
Musée Carnavalet A poetic ode to Parisian histoire secreted in a pair of remarkable hôtels
particuliers .
Musée de l'Armée (Army Museum; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; ; 129 rue de
Grenelle, 7e; included in Hôtel des Invalides admission; 10am-6pm Apr-Oct, to 5pm
Nov-Mar; Invalides) Within the monumental Hôtel des Invalides complex, commemorat-
ing French military history.
Musée de Montmartre Relive the days of Toulouse-Lautrec and Maurice Utrillo.
Best Museums for Non-European Art
Musée du Quai Branly Overview of indigenous art from around the world, presented in the
most striking of manners.
Musée Guimet France's foremost Asian art museum.
Musée du Louvre Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Islamic artefacts.
Institut du Monde Arabe Art and artisanship from the Middle East and North Africa.
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