Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Museums & Galleries
If there's one thing that rivals a Parisian's obsession with food, it's art. More than
200 museums pepper the city, and whether you prefer the classicism of the Louvre,
the impressionists of the Orsay or detailed exhibits of French military history, you
can always be sure to find something new just around the corner.
Le 104
Paris Museum Pass
If you think you'll be visiting more than two or three museums and monuments while in Par-
is, the single most important investment you can make is the Paris Museum Pass . The pass is
valid for entry to some 38 venues in the city - including the Louvre, Centre Pompidou,
Musée d'Orsay and the Musée Rodin (but not the Eiffel Tower). It will get you into another
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