Environmental Engineering Reference
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O'Riordan, T. & W.R.D.Sewell (eds) 1981. Project appraisal and policy review. Chichester:
Orloff, N. 1980. The National Environmental Policy Act: cases and materials. Washington, DC:
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Overseas Development Administration 1996. Manual of environmental appraisal: revised and
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Petts, J. & P.Hills 1982. Environmental assessment in the UK. Institute of Planning Studies,
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Sadler, B. 1996. Environmental assessment in a changing world: evaluating practice to improve
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Stevens Committee 1976. Planning control over mineral working. London: HMSO.
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Tomlinson, P. 1986. Environmental assessment in the UK: implementation of the EEC Directive.
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Turner, T. 1988. The legal eagles. Amicus Journal (winter), 25-37.
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) 1997. Environmental impact assessment training
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(eds), 88-102. London: Mansell.
World Bank 1992. Environmental assessment sourcebook. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank 1995. Environmental assessment: challenges and good practice. Washington, DC:
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World Bank 1999. Operational Policy, Bank Procedures and Good Practice4.01: Environmental
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