Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
If a FONSI is prepared, then a permit would usually be granted following public
discussion. If a full EIS is found to be needed, the lead agency publishes a “Notice of
Intent”, and the process of scoping begins . The aim of the scoping exercise is to
determine the issues to be addressed in the EIA: to eliminate insignificant issues, focus
on those that are significant and identify alternatives to be addressed. The lead agency
invites the participation of the proponent of the action, affected parties and other
interested persons. “[The alternatives] section is the heart of the environmental impact
statement… [It] should present the environmental impacts of the proposal and the
alternatives in comparative form, thus sharply defining the issues and providing a clear
basis for choice…” (§1502.14)
Table 2. 2 Typical format for an EIS under NEPA
(a) Cover sheet
• list of responsible agencies
• title of proposed action
• contact persons at agencies
• designation of EIS as draft, final or supplement
• abstract of EIS
• date by which comments must be received
(b) Summary (usually 15 pages or less)
• major conclusions
• areas of controversy
• issues to be resolved
(c) Table of contents
(d) Purpose of and need for action
(e) Alternatives, including proposed action
(f) Affected environment
(g) Environmental consequences
• environmental impacts of alternatives, including proposed action
• adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided if proposal is implemented
• mitigation measures to be used and residual effects of mitigation
• relation between short-term uses of the environment and maintenance and enhancement of
long-term productivity
• irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources if proposal is implemented discussion
— direct and indirect effects and their significance
— possible conflicts between proposed action and objectives of relevant landuse plans,
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