Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Application of the SEA Directive to plans and programmes
2. Other relevant plans, programmes and objectives
3. Devising SEA and sustainability appraisal objectives and indicators
4. Sources of baseline data
5. Presenting baseline information
6. Assessing secondary, cumulative and synergistic effects
7. Identifying and comparing alternatives
8. Prediction and evaluation
Quality assurance checklist
References and further information
The SEA Directive
( Source: ODPM 2003.)
Box 12.4 SEA steps for development plans/frameworks
A. Setting the context and establishing the baseline
• Identify other relevant plans and programmes
• Identify environmental protection objectives, and state their relation to the plan
• Propose SEA and sustainability appraisal objectives
• Propose indicators
• Collect baseline data, including data on likely future trends
• Identify environmental and sustainability problems
B. Deciding the scope of SEA and developing alternatives
• Identify alternatives
• Choose preferred alternatives
• Consult authorities with environmental responsibilities and other bodies concerned with
aspects of sustainability
C. Assessing the effects of the plan
• Predict the effects of the plan
• Evaluate the plan's effects
• Propose measures to prevent, reduce or offset adverse environmental effects
D. Consultation on the draft plan and the Environmental Report
• Present the results of the SEA up to this point
• Seek inputs from the public and authorities with environmental responsibilities
• Take consultation results into account
• Show how the results of the Environmental report were taken into account in finalising
the plan
E. Monitor the significant effects of implementing the plan on the environment
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