Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Vargas Era (1930-54)
Spanning the creation of Brazil as a modern
nation-state, the long political career of Getúlio
Vargas exemplifies the various contradictions at the
heart of the Brazilian national character. His rise to
power in 1930 marked the resurgence of a generation
of young, dynamic administrators, but also marked
the beginning of an authoritarian rule. During his first
term, he assumed absolute power to overthrow the
old order, and established the Estado Nôvo. Forced
to step down after World War II, he remained
popular and was re-elected in 1950.
Getúlio Dornelles Vargas
A pro-industry nationalist and
virulent anti-communist,
Vargas possessed an authorit-
arian streak. The hero of the
newly-emerged urban working
class, he favored capitalism and
liberal reforms to some extent.
Crowd Cheering Vargas's Victory
A bloodless coup in 1930 ended the reign
of President Washington Luis, and brought
Vargas into power.
Exploiting communist paranoia, Vargas assumed
dictatorship in 1937, abolishing opposition par-
ties and imposing censorship. He tolerated
anti-Semitism, initially encouraging the fascist
Integralistas (see p55) until they decided to con-
test the elections against him in 1938.
Vargas ,
in stature,
Hitler and
Mussolini in
some ways.
Integralistas in Rio de Janeiro, 1938
A group of Integralistas led a short-lived revolt against
the corrupt Vargas regime. They attacked the Palácio
Guanabara, and made a bid for Vargas's life, but
government forces promptly suppressed the uprising.
Ties with Mussolini
In January 1938, two Italian
aircraft, one of them piloted by
Mussolini's son, were received in
Brazil with great applause.
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