Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
New Year's Day (Jan 1)
Carnaval (Tue, 40 days
before Easter)
Good Friday (Mar/Apr)
Easter Sunday (Mar/Apr)
Tiradentes Day (Apr 21)
Labor Day (May 1)
Corpus Christi (Jun)
Independence Day
(Sept 7)
Our Lady of Aparecida
Day (Oct 12)
All Souls' Day (Nov 2)
The Republic Proclamation
Day (Nov 15)
Christmas Day (Dec 25)
Elaborate headgears for the Festa do Bumba-meu-boi, São Luís
is offered to St. Antony
(Jun 13), St. John (Jun 24),
and St. Peter (Jun 29). The
festivities that take place at
the arraiá (imitations of old
country villas) are marked
by traditional feasting.
Festa do Pinhão (early Jun) ,
Lages (Santa Catarina).
Celebrating the edible
pinhão (seed of the Paraná
pine), the festival includes
lively music performances.
GLBT Parade (early Jun) , São
Paulo. Organized since 1999,
the parade is one of the
biggest events of its kind
in the world.
Festa do Bumba-meu-boi
(whole month) , São Luís.
Improvised songs and
dances by skilled performers
tell the story of the death
and resurrection of a bull.
Festa do Boi Bumbá (Jun 28-
30) , Parintins. In Amazonas,
Bumba-meu-boi is known as
Boi Bumbá. Two groups,
Caprichoso (in blue) and
Garantido (in red), compete
inside a bumbódromo built
to hold 35,000 spectators.
São João (Jun/Jul) , Caruaru
& Campina Grande. Forró
is the predominant rhythm
at the dance festival, which
draws many leading
International Puppet Theater
Festival (Jun/Aug) , Canela.
Puppeteers perform in
theaters, schools, and streets
over four days.
Rally dos Sertões (late Jun) ,
across Brazil. A 10-day event,
when cars, truck pilots, and
motorcycles drive 2,796 miles
(4,500 km) through Brazil's
rough interior.
Festival do Inverno (Jul 1-
30) , Campos do Jordão (São
Paulo). Begun in 1990, it is
the greatest festival of class-
ical music in Latin America.
Festival Internacional da
Dança (2nd fortnight) ,
Joinville (Santa Catarina).
Dance performances, work-
shops, and competitions
take place at one of the
world's largest dance festi-
vals, featuring dance forms
ranging from jazz and folk
to classical ballet.
Ilhabela Sailing Week (date
varies) , Ilhabela. Known as
the sailing capital, the island
is famed for competitive
races and regattas, organized
by the Yacht Club de Ilhabela.
Fortal (last week) , Fortaleza.
The country's biggest mica-
reta , held at Cidade Fortal,
draws crowds with axé music
and small schools of samba .
reunions, plays, lectures,
and concerts feature on
the versatile program list.
Festa do Peão de Boiadeiro
(beginning on the 3rd Thu) ,
Barretos (São Paulo state).
The world's largest 10-day
rodeo event receiving almost
one million visitors every
year. Concerts and food fairs.
Pinga Festival (3rd weekend) ,
Paraty. Local cachaça
samplings (see p391), also
known as pinga , musical
shows, and food stalls
offering regional delicacies.
International Festival of
Culture and Gastronomy
(date varies) , Tiradentes.
A 10-day international
gastronomic event with
workshops and exhibitions
in restaurants or at public
squares all over the town.
Festa da Nossa Senhora das
Neves (Aug 5) , João Pessoa.
Street celebrations for 10
days to mark the day of the
city's patroness, Our Lady of
the Snow. The rhythm of
frevo defines the mood.
Festival de Gramado (1st two
weeks) , Gramado. The most
important film awards event
in Brazil offers viewers the
best in Brazilian and Latin
American cinema.
Festa Literária Internacional
de Paraty (FLIP) (early Aug) ,
Paraty. An acclaimed literary
gathering of Brazilian and
international writers. Literary
Taking the bull by the horns, Festa
do Peão de Boiadeiro, Barretos
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