Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Festas dos Ticumbi & Alardo
(Jan 19 & 20) , Itaúnas.
People in colorful clothes
pay homage to São Bento
and São Sebastião to the
strains of traditional music.
São Paulo Fashion Week
(late Jan) , São Paulo.
Fashion shows featuring
top Brazilian models and
fashion designers are held.
Festa de São Lázaro (last
Sun), Salvador. A festival in
honor of Candomblé deity
Omolu, the God of Plague.
A spectacular display of Reveillon fireworks on Copacabana beach
Pescadores do Rio Vermelho
(Feb 2) , Salvador. A proces-
sion of boats carrying offer-
ings to Yemanjá, the Goddess
of the Sea, accompanied by
Afro-Brazilian music.
Nossa Senhora dos
Navegantes (Feb 2), Porto
Alegre. A boat procession on
the Rio Guaíba carrying the
image of Yemanjá.
Carnaval (Feb/Mar, about 40
days before Easter) . The most
famous Carnaval takes place
in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Salvador and Olinda also
have fantastic celebrations.
Festa Nacional da Uva
(Feb/Mar, biennial, even
years) , Caxias do Sul. Wine
production is the highlight of
this festival that keeps alive
the customs and traditions of
the early Italian immigrants.
Processão dos Navegantes
(Jan 1) , Angra dos Reis. A
samba school percussion
group parade across the Baia
de Ilha Grande in boats of
different shapes and sizes.
Processão do Bom Jesus dos
Navegantes (Jan 1) , Salvador.
Hundreds of fishing boats
follow a galliot, a long ship,
that carries the image of Our
Lord of Navigators.
Pré Cajú (2nd week), Aracaju.
One of the dozens of
micaretas (out-of-season
Carnaval) before the real
Carnaval in February/March.
Lavagem do Bonfim (2nd
Thu) , Salvador. A colorful
parade and ceremonial
washing ( lavagem ) of the
steps of the Igreja de Nossa
Senhora do Bonfim.
Summer is the most
important time of the year
for Brazilians. It marks the
beginning of the year and
vacation time. It rains heavily
in most parts, but the sun
continues to shine through.
Besides a number of outdoor
events to mark the advent of
summer, there are trade fairs
and important religious
festivals. The culmination of
the summer is Carnaval.
Festa Santa Bárbara (Dec 4) ,
Salvador. A popular three-
day Candomblé ceremony
at Fonte de Santa Bárbara.
The image of Santa Bárbara,
called Yansã in Candomblé,
is carried through the streets
of the historic center.
Carnatal (early Dec) , Natal.
Out-of-season Carnaval,
where famous bands test
their repertoire for the next
Carnaval, with throngs of
people singing and dancing
through the streets.
São Silvestre Race (Dec 31) ,
São Paulo. Amateur and
recreational runners join
professional athletes for a
9-mile (15-km) race through
the streets of São Paulo.
Reveillon at Copacabana
(Dec 31) , Rio de Janeiro. A
New Year's Eve party along
Copacabana beach with
performances by leading
pop stars and a lavish mid-
night fireworks display at
Forte de Copacabana and
Le Meridien Hotel.
Carnaval performers in striking costumes, Rio de Janeiro City
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